Sunday, November 4, 2007

Ancient Korean wisdom vs western medicine

the other evening, the girls were taking their bath and i heard Skye singing, "hurry up and wash up, we are going to see the king." we started laughing so hard - Skye mainly because i was laughing, but i thought it wasn't too far from the original, "soon and very soon, we are going to see the king."

ever since the weather got colder, we are once again battling various illnesses Skye picks up from school. last time, it was the ear infection. this past week was a pink eye. Skye complained of her eye hurting and so we took her in to urgent care. they told us it was a viral kind and it would go away in 3-5 days. all they told us was to give her tylenol if it bothered her. her eyes got a little red and puffy, but not too bad. my parents suggested i flush out her eyes with salt water which Skye hated, but it seemed to help because the redness and swelling disappeared the next day. our neighbour, an eye and ear doctor (can't remember the medical term) looked at me rather oddly when i told him i used salt water to flush out Skye's eye, but hey, this is ancient Korean wisdom we're dealing with here! :)

1 comment:

ErinOrtlund said...

Another example of how cultures are different! So interesting. If saltwater works, that's a more natural alternative to medicine. Hope everyone gets healthy soon!