Friday, November 16, 2007

Preparing for the cold

yes, it is that time of the year again. i was thinking this as i zipped a screaming Claire in her snowsuit today. fortunately, Skye has learned she needs to bundle up and is bringing home all kinds of winter gear ideas from her friends at school. she wanted a hat that completely covers the mouth and nose. apparently one of girls at school has one. the down side to winter is how expensive all the gear gets. fortunately for Claire, she received lots of hand-me-downs and all i'll have to get her are some boots for when she starts to walk. but Skye, who is shooting up, will need some new snow pants since she's already outgrown last year's.

Phil reminded me that Skye, at Claire's age, was busy smelling flowers, both real and not real (pictures, flower patterns on clothes, etc). i had to remind him we were living in North Carolina at the time, taking leisurely walks around our neighbourhood every day where we could spot flowers almost year round. how often does Claire get to see flowers? maybe 2 months? 3? instead, she'll get to know snow really well!

here we are enjoying one of the pleasures cold weather brings - eating roasted chestnuts! except Claire has climbed onto the table and scattered all the peels all over the table!

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