Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

here are some photos of our fun-filled evening. Skye was SO excited about dressing up and going out to trick-or-treat. it was rather chilly, but we had fun, especially since all the neighbourhood kids came out and we went around the block as a group. it was a great time to see all the neighbours we don't get to see too often. Skye did get scared by some of the older kids' costumes who came trick-or-treating to our house later in the evening, but we were part of the early young crowd.

here is Skye and Claire with their friends Avery and Colette.

here's a shot of the very cute little black cat and a very beautiful princess. i should point out Skye made her own crown!

here we are, ready to go trick-or-treating! and yes, i had to dress up to match my kids!

isn't this the cutest?

some of the neighbourhood gang :)

thawing out inside after the trick-or-treat

and this was from last year's halloween - what a difference a year makes!

1 comment:

ErinOrtlund said...

Cute costumes! How fun you dressed up too!