Monday, November 12, 2007

Michelle Obama

i recently read an article about Michelle Obama (Vogue Sept 2007). here are some things about motherhood in the article that i found interesting.

"Every year, Michelle Obama considers quitting her job and staying home full-time to take care of her children...But having experienced the pleasures of work outside the home, she is reluctant to give up her independence. 'Work is rewarding,' she says. 'I love losing myself in a set of problems that have nothing to do with my husband and children. Once you've tasted that, it's hard to walk away.

"People don't tell you how much kids change things. I think a lot of people give up on themselves. They get broken, but if we can talk about it, we can help each other."

the question i always come back to is, how do women manage to do it all? how can we be devoted mothers and work at something else that we love all at the same time? something has to take second place.


ErinOrtlund said...

Yes, it's true--we only have so many hours in the day. Every choice has tradeoffs. I feel stifled sometimes and I worry about my rusty resume. However, when I worked PT when Kate was a baby, how I MISSED her! I wish there were more jobs that could be done from home, or where babies could come to an office. I wish there were better ways that fathers and mothers could share both childcare and work.

SL Kim said...

it would be closer to a perfect world, wouldn't it? and while i do long for the breaks, i still do firmly believe in the baby needing mother's care in the early years, that attachment, so that they can learn how to develop relationships from there. now, if only we can convince the rest of the world to believe in that too, then maybe we'd have offices where babies are welcome. :)

Christe said...

This issue has been a biggie for me. It has only been recently that I have come to a place where the joys of being with Amoz far surpass my desires for accomplishment and satisfaction in the workplace. It's like I finally realize that these years are short, temporary and impossible to do over. He will be independent far before I am ready for him to be, and the jobs will be there.

SL Kim said...

great to hear from you, Christe! yes, the years do fly by. i realize it even more now that we have Claire. it still amazes me how quickly Skye has grown and is quite happy interacting with the world without me right by her side. i guess this is partly why people keep having kids - to relive those early precious years? they disappear so quickly. but i think too our kids will always need us. in different ways. when i had Skye and Claire, i craved my mother's cooking and wanted her care. i'm hoping i'll still come in handy with my girls even when they are fully grown!