Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Winter fatigue

every single person living in Madison is so sick of this cold. it's not just me--all my neighbours are out, chipping away at the ice, determined to push the cold out of here! one of my neighbours was out today putting out grass seeds on his front lawn, determined to bring spring to our block. after the construction crew left just before the cold hit, our block was left with no grass, and with the snow melting, our front yards are mud baths.

and just to let you know how sick i am of this cold, i look at my closet and get terribly annoyed that i've been wearing the same clothes for 6 months!! i want to wear dresses! i want to wear sandals! i am sick of wearing my down jacket! i want to burn all my sweaters and my snow boots! it's sort of how i felt when i stopped breastfeeding Skye - i wanted to burn all my nursing bras.

well, on a brighter note, congratulations to my friends, Mary and Martin, whose baby girl, Camille, was born this morning in California! welcome, Camille! we look forward to meeting you some day soon!

1 comment:

ErinOrtlund said...

I can relate! The snow has melted here, but where is the warmth????? I would like winter much more if it were confined to December and January. Who really needs more than 2 months of it?