Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Busy Times

Phil returned on Sunday and was relieved to find the household quite sane and calm! :) somehow, Skye, Claire and i managed to survive surprisingly well. yes, it was super busy and i wasn't able to blog at all, but overall, we had a good time. every evening, i'd be thinking, we're doing pretty well and that the girls might get to bed early, but every evening, after the dishes were done and the girls were washing up, it would be time for bed. it amazes me still how long it takes to do everything by myself and take care of the girls. again, i can't imagine how single parents do this all the time. by the end of the day, i'd be so tired i'd crash soon after the girls went to sleep.

the weather is slowly but surely warming up. i'm learning from the Madisonians that once we have a whole week of good weather, we'll get the last bit of cold and then spring really should arrive after that. i'm hoping this week is the good weather week since we are supposed to have sunshine every day and then hopefully we'll have our final round of cold. phew! can't wait! i see young people walking around in shorts and it's only in the 50s...yes, i'm tired of my winter clothes too but i think i'd get sick walking around in shorts right now.

Claire's favourite activity these days is to try on everyone else's shoes. it's such fun watching her walk around in our big shoes. she's trying so hard to grow into them! watching Claire, i can't help but think about the younger sibling's fate of always trying to keep up with the older one. Claire has taken many many tumbles just trying to keep up with Skye. she always ends up getting in Skye's way and falling over. Claire has scraped up her face so many times!

yesterday, all the neighbourhood kids were out to enjoy the warm weather and Skye has taken to loading some of the young ones in our wagon and attaching the wagon onto her bike and pulling them along. they have great fun. i'm glad Skye is being so maternal--not always so with Claire, but we're working on that one. :)

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