Saturday, April 5, 2008

Hello warmth!

as you can see by the big smiles on the girls faces, warmth has come!! we were outside ALL day today! Claire only slept for an hour after lunch and immediately ran to the door, holding her shoes, ready to go out again. temperature wise, it was only in the 60s, but the girls acted like summer has arrived. Skye pulled on her flip-flops and they eventually came off and she was running around bare-footed. i'm a little concerned that she may get a cold, but i didn't have the heart to say no. even i feel like going barefooted because the sun feels so good. i used to think people were crazy if they dressed for summer in spring weather, but now i understand it. we are determined to bring in warmth by dressing for it!

1 comment:

ErinOrtlund said...

I'm jealous! It's warming up here, but sloooowwwly. Doesn't it make such a difference when you can get outside??