Thursday, April 24, 2008

Simple Pleasures

watching the backyard turn green and seeing all the flowers start to bloom - here is a magnolia bush that is just bursting these days

watching Claire put on her bright yellow boots. she oh-so-carefully lifts up her foot, curls her toes over and into the boots. it makes me happy to see her do it every single time

watching Skye make mud pies

being able to bare my arms and legs and feeling the sun on them

watching Claire stand in front of the window looking for birds and watching the wind blow the trees

chasing a naked Claire around the house (her latest thing these days is to take off all her clothes--when we head outside, she usually wants to just don her yellow rain boots)

seeing Skye and Claire play so well together. usually, Claire follows Skye around and Skye is really good about explaining to Claire what she is up to. it gives me great pleasure to think about how close the girls will grow as they get older.

hearing Claire say, "Ummah? Ummah? Ummah?"

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