Monday, July 28, 2008

Trials of growing hair

Skye has been wanting to grow her hair for a while now and i reluctantly agreed, hoping she was old enough to realize that long hair meant lots more time and care. at first, things went alright, but for the last week, we had been struggling every morning over tying up Skye's hair. finally, i told her she had to let me cut it off. if we don't tie up her hair, she complains she's getting hot and sweaty, yet she puts up a fight in the mornings over brushing (her hair gets pretty knotty) and whines whenever her hair hurts when i'm tying it up. i thought she'd be really sad over the hair cutting, but i think deep down inside, she is glad that her hair is now short and she doesn't have to do much with it. i asked her if she wanted bangs so that she won't even have to wear a barrette, but she decided that she wasn't quite ready for bangs.

i hope i gave Skye a fair chance. i really don't want her to feel like i'm forcing her to look a certain way, but at the same time, i'm weary of the constant battle over hair. i mean, come on, i have short hair for a reason and spend hardly any time in front of the mirror in the mornings. i'm not about to spend all my mornings trying to get my daughter to brush her hair so that it's not a tangled mess and then to tie it up so that she's not sweating like crazy.

for now, we are all happy with the new shorter bob; at least, until the next time Skye has a "i want long hair" phase.

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