Friday, July 25, 2008

Shopping for school supplies

so i thought i'd be smart and buy Skye's school supplies early. plus, we'll be travelling abit in August and i'd rather get it over with. so the girls and i were at Target and i was glad the section with the school supplies wasn't too crowded. i thought, oh good, we'll breeze through this. clutching the list, we made our way SLOWLY down each aisle. there was too much to choose from. what kind of glue stick? what kind of notebook? what kind of tape? i mean, you can spend an entire day doing this if you wanted to!

Claire wanted to participate in everything and grabbed all kinds of things off the shelves. at one point, she had even managed to pull out those price sheets in the plastic sleeves on the shelves!! when Skye was trying on backpacks, Claire had to try them on too and refused to take one off. i gave up and let her follow me around the store carrying a backpack as big as herself on her back. i managed to put it back on the shelf when she got distracted by something else. and then in the middle of all this, she pees all over the floor. i'm looking for an employee and there's none to be found. fortunately, i was prepared for once, with clean clothes in my bag. i stripped off all of Claire's clothes, hoping she wouldn't run off naked down the store, mopped up the pee with the wet clothes, got Claire dressed again, all in a matter of minutes.

i'm really glad i have to do this just once a year. :)

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