Friday, July 4, 2008

Hard questions...

recently, Skye asked a question i'm not at all sure i answered well. in the last year, we had been praying for two people we know who have cancer. one died, the other person is doing well. Skye asked me why God didn't answer our prayer for the person that died. i said that God doesn't always answer our prayers the way we think He should answer them. i told her that the person who died is with God in heaven, so he's in a good place, but i'm not sure this all made sense to her. i'm trying to answer her questions in ways that she can understand, but how can i really know how much she understands? as she gets older, there'll be more and more tough questions for me to answer...

on a different note, i discovered this blog written by a mother, the nonchalant mom - she dispenses some interesting advice, one of which we put into use today. she said putting an onion on a bug bite takes away the poison, thus taking away the itchiness and the swelling. so when Skye complained of a mosquito bite, we put an onion on it and she said it stopped itching!!

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