Wednesday, September 5, 2007

More recuperation

one of my fears since becoming a mum was that i'd be sick while my children were sick too and it would be next to impossible to care for them because i was trying to take care of myself. well, that fear was realized last week. minus Phil, all three girls came down with a cold. fortunately, Skye's was pretty mild and mine was too until i ended up with a fever. i ran a fever for 2 days and Claire ran a fever for 3. it was awful because Claire was marathon-nursing day and night while i was feeling like i was about to drop. today was the first day we've all felt normal, although i still have this horrible hacking cough. mine seems to be lingering the longest. everyone else is healthy now.

so, that's why i've been unable to blog all this time!

this week, we're in preparation mode for school. Phil began his semester already on Tuesday, teaching 2 courses. Skye's preschool starts next Thursday - rather late due to some construction. she's eager to get back to school. i think she's getting rather bored at home.

i don't know how parents who homeschool do it. they must really really love the company of their children or are so super organized. and have lots of patience. after spending every waking moment with both children for the past month, i'm ready to hand them both off if i could! i run out of energy to keep both kids occupied long enough during the day just to clean the house. in some ways, it's much easier to abandon my duties at home and take the kids out to the park.

1 comment:

ErinOrtlund said...

Glad you're better! Does Phil have any flexibility in his schedule so he can stay home more when you're ill?

I know what you mean about homeschooling! I'm grateful Kate is in preschool because I am not the kind of mom who can think of creative crafts and make sure my kids are getting early stimulation in every area! This way, when she's home, I can focus on books and making new recipes with her and exploring new places.