Thursday, September 13, 2007

First day of school

here is Skye at school on her first day.

she had been excited all morning, constantly saying, "i want to go to school now!" but when it came time to actually saying goodbye to me, she clung to my legs and didn't want to let go. "now, you're not going to start crying like you did last year, are you?" i asked. i know, i shouldn't pressure my poor child, but i didn't want to have to go through the whole separation thing we went through last year. thankfully, Skye said her goodbye and when i picked her up, she said she had so much fun and that room 4 (her room this year) is much more fun than room 1 (her room last year).

now, this is Claire late in the night. she has been waking up constantly until i head to bed. it's driving me batty, having to run into her every half hour every evening. i seem to get nothing done in the evenings. oh well.


ErinOrtlund said...

They are so cute! Is Skye in preschool? Kindergarten? Doesn't the clinging just hurt your heart? I had to remind myself that sometimes things that are good for us can still be hard!

SL Kim said...

yes, Skye is still in preschool. kindergarten next year, with lots more changes, like riding the bus to school, at school all day... i don't know that i can encourage her in all those changes - esp the school all day. riding the bus at 5 seems pretty tough too, but then again, all the kindergarten kids now are riding the bus and are doing fine!