Friday, August 24, 2007

Claire's Milestones

Claire is amazing us these days. she's started cruising around and crawling. yesterday, she had climbed up almost to the top of the staircase before i discovered her! and on top of all that, she has 3 teeth coming in! she had been busy working on those while we were away on our trip. now they are finally breaking through. she walks quite well now holding my hands, so i'm sure she'll be walking by herself soon. her curiousity is twice her size. she's so busy checking everything out, but at the same time, her new mobility makes her a little needy at times. still looks around to make sure i'm in sight. lots of tumbles and bumps with all the moving, but it's wonderful to see little Claire. it's amazing to me - she still looks like a tiny peanut and she's already moving around! she's also doing this kind of salute to other people - she sort of holds her hand up at you. it's really sweet.

Walking at last! from slkim and Vimeo.

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