Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Coming of Fall...

amazingly, fall seems to have arrived already. today was one of those "champagne" days - sunny, but brisk. the construction on our street has finally moved on to the next block, so we seem to have some sanity back.

and since i barely keep track of the days, i was reminded of what day today was when i was writing a cheque. back in 2001, i remember it was a perfect day much like today. sunny, clear. i had just returned from several days of flying (i was a flight attendant for United Airlines at the time). how surreal it had all seemed then and how surreal it was when i caught just a short glimpse on TV of the memorials going on today at the crash sites. and then it was back to making lunch for the kids, putting Claire to sleep, etc.

so here is Skye, in her leotard, tights (under her leggings) and holding her ballet slippers, ready for her first ballet class. she had a great time and is already looking forward to next week! (notice Claire's little bottom off to the side? busy trying to climb the stairs!!)

here's my big girl! she has finally learned how to pump with her legs on the swings, so she's very proud of herself.

my two girls at the park.

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