Thursday, June 14, 2007

Sisterly love

Claire is getting big enough now to really notice Skye and actually respond to her. lately, the two of them will giggle with each other and play. it's a real pleasure to watch and gives me hope for the future. i imagine them spending alot of their time together and growing close. i'm sure they'll have their share of fights, but Skye truly is a dear, loving older sister and tries her best to take care of Claire. i try not to make Skye do things for Claire because i don't want her to grow up with the responsibility of being the older sister being a burden, but she does love to do things for Claire, like feed her and get toys for her to play with. today, she said to me, "i'm a good older sister."

yes, she really is.

Claire can now stand by herself for several minutes while holding onto the couch or something stable. it's her favourite position and she laughs with glee whenever she stands. i don't think Skye stood like this until she was closer to a year. it's sort of funny seeing such a little person standing and i'm sure Claire will be running around and getting into all kinds of trouble soon. Skye will really need lots of patience especially when Claire starts to get into all her things!

1 comment:

ErinOrtlund said...

Very sweet! I love your girls' names! Had our second been a girl, she would have been Claire.