Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Changing perspectives

another thought about the whole watching DVD in the car on a roadtrip - several years ago, i would have said, are you crazy? our kids will never watch movies in the car! hah! it's amazing how diverting movies can be!!

other mums would definitely agree with me on how perspectives change after having kids. my friends and i often talk about "oh yes, that's one of those things i said my kids would never do before i actually had kids." for instance, dragging a screaming child out of a toy store, park, restaurant, etc, etc. before i had any children, i used to think, what is wrong with that child and why can't that parent control that child? i think every parent, no matter how loving a parent, has had that moment when everything falls apart and you have no option but to drag the child out, kicking and screaming.

i also used to think my child will eat whatever she is given and there will be no special meals cooked for her. i used to think it was absolutely sinful when parents cooked hotdogs for their kids because they wouldn't eat what everyone else was eating. fortunately for us, Skye is a good eater and still does eat what everyone else eats, but i am also meeting lots of kids who absolutely won't eat anything except one or two things. if i had such a child, i'm sure i would do whatever i can to get some food into her belly.


ErinOrtlund said...

It is so true! I also feel like things have really changed since having a second child. I feel like the quality of my parenting has decreased--it's usually a matter of just trying to get through the day now!

kyuboem said...

Amen! I repent in ashes and dust of every judgmental thing I've thought about parents...