Thursday, March 15, 2007

Thoughts on death, bacon, rolling balls and other important life matters

Skye and i just finished reading "Charlotte's Web." finally! we'd been at it for at least 3 months now. i was afraid it would be too long and difficult for her, but she actually did rather well. we often play Charlotte and Wilbur, she and i taking turns being one or the other. i had forgotten how much death plays a part in the story and wondered what Skye would make of it all. i'm sure the questions will rise soon since she now knows that the bacon she so dearly loves to eat comes from a pig much like Wilbur!

as for my own reading, i have just finished reading Rachel Cusk's "The Lucky Ones." i was sorry to have picked it up at this point in my life. so many of the women in the book are unhappy after giving birth to a baby--made me start to feel sorry for myself. i love Cusk's novels, but this one was a tough one to enjoy.

Skye and i were spending some time drawing today. Skye said she was going to draw a jellyfish which consequently turned into the sun and then into an octopus, the label changing with each transformation her pencil made. i love how flexible life can be for Skye! what started out as a jellyfish didn't have to remain trapped that way when surely it now looked more like an octopus or a sun.

Claire broke out into a gleeful laugh when she saw a green ball rolling towards her. ah, the simple joys of life!

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