Friday, March 16, 2007

Adjusting to Madison

some of you have asked how the kim family has been doing besides adjusting to the weather. i'll try to recap.

Phil loves his job. loves the people he works with and enjoys the class he has been teaching. the research is going a little slow, but i think that's to be expected since we just had a baby! he has taken up playing squash with a friend from church. he tries hard to keep up with the tar heel games, but believe it or not, they sometimes don't air here because we're now in the midwest!!

i've gotten to know people in our neighbourhood--our neighbours were glad to have another family with little ones move in. i've also gotten to know people through Skye's preschool and through church. what i appreciate about madison is that everyone has come from somewhere else and seem open to new people.

my writing has come to a standstill after Claire's birth, but i was expecting that. this blogging will be good for me in that regard.

other than that, i'd say we're doing pretty well. we love the fact that there are great restaurants here (i am in love with this small persian restaurant called Caspian Cafe) and we really have no complaints except the weather!

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