Wednesday, March 28, 2007

A night with 007

last night, phil had a dinner meeting with his colleagues, so i was home with the girls, putting them down to bed by myself for the first time. let's just say it wasn't pretty. kids always pick such times to give you hell! but, in the end, both girls were in bed sleeping soundly and i could turn to other matters, namely the dvd i checked out.

i settled myself on the couch, ready to enjoy the latest Bond movie. growing up in Kenya, i was raised on 007 movies. that's about all we could see at the theatre. and it was a family affair - my parents would take my brother, Q, and me and then we'd usually get dinner afterwards. those were the days of Roger Moore. i thought he was the best, until i discovered Sean Connery. and now Daniel Craig. wow.

i was transported from my world of smelly nappies, spit-ups, meltdowns, bossy 3 year old, to the glamorous world of "Casino Royale" where women with names like Vesper wear beautiful dresses and fall for bad boys. it was exhilarating and fun, the way a good Bond movie should be, but after it was over, all i could say was, wow, that is just too far from my world. my life is so not about high stakes. i don't make split second decisions risking my life. no, my life is all about should i let Claire fall asleep now and will she stay asleep while i take Skye to school or can i keep Claire awake until after the drop off? these little decisions should be so easy to make, but somehow, at the end of the day, my brain is too fried to even leap into the world of Bond. nothing against "Casino Royale" - in fact, loved it and loved Daniel Craig, but perhaps in a year, i will again appreciate fully the escape rather than finding the process too daunting.

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