Monday, March 19, 2007


over the weekend, we had an incredible milestone in Skye's life happen which we thought would not happen for a really long time. Skye decided to sleep all by herself in her own room, in her own bed. now, most of you who have trained your children to sleep in their cribs from day 1 are probably thinking, big deal. but for us, we have been cosleeping with Skye and hoping she will make that decision herself. frankly, i wasn't very optimistic. then, all of a sudden on saturday, she decided it was time. last night, she was quite sad and weepy as she was getting ready for bed, but still willing to sleep by herself. to me, this is MONUMENTAL! we made a special dinner last night to celebrate this new independence for Skye and hope to keep encouraging her as she gradually makes more choices towards independence.

and Claire? sweet Claire--well, she's a good sleeper at night, not so great during the day. but hey, i'm not complaining as long as i wake up in the mornings with my mind pretty intact!

1 comment:

ErinOrtlund said...

That is so cool that you let her decide when she was ready!