Monday, October 18, 2010


hello, everyone!

hope you are having a good monday so far! we've had some glorious fall weather for the past week - bright and sunny, rather crisp in the mornings and evenings, "champagne" days. :) the weather makes all the difference on my perspective, how about you?

i received a very thick letter in the mail today from a friend - that too makes me very happy. no matter how much i love facebook and emails, they cannot diminish my happiness in sitting down to read a handwritten letter. :) do you have things like that in your life, something that instantly makes you happy?

i am right now at Skye's violin lesson, listening to her learn a new piece of music while Cordelia, having taken a good nap, entertains herself here next to me with a piece of paper which she will shred to pieces.

happy monday!

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