Monday, October 11, 2010

Humble pie + apple pie

i feel like i'm eating humble pie lately. i have to depend on so many people to do the things i ought to be doing! i depend on Phil to do most of the cooking these days. i depend on friends and neighbours to take Skye and Claire. and yet i'm still tired, so tired. i long for the day when i can feel myself again, to do the things i'm supposed to do. of course, i love my husband for doing so much and i'm so grateful for good friends and neighbours who love my kids, but i do long for the day when i don't feel so....useless.

but even in the midst of the sleepless blur that seems to make up my days, i did manage to bake an apple pie. afterall, what is fall without apple pie?

what's your favourite food in the fall?

happy monday, everyone!


WB said...

I make soup in a pumpkin most every's yummy as well as beautiful, and it's Leah's favorite fall food. I think for me it comes in second to pumpkin muffins (with choc. chips an almonds), because they are portable--meaning you can take them on a trip to the mountains, which is my favorite fall activity.

Still...if you're feeling overwhelmed, an apple pie is only therapeutic if you look at it a long time--or photograph it so well, as you did. I fin the relationship of how long it takes to make and how quickly it is eaten to be very discouraging!

SL Kim said...

oh yes, i agree about the relationship of how long it takes to make and how quickly it is eaten is very discouraging! that's why i stopped making bread... :( the only way i pulled this pie off was because i had made the crust the previous week. but your pumpkin soup and muffins sound delish! i don't think i've ever put choc chips with pumpkin muffins - will have to try it out!

Shin Yu Pai said...

That pie looks dreamy.

I like a hardy Japanese curry with the Fall.

SL Kim said...

any favourite recipes you'd care to share with me?