Monday, October 25, 2010

The past weekend

i was hoping to have another kind of post for you today, but last thursday, we were introduced to something quite new and i spent the whole weekend working on that. i debated on whether to share this with you - i couldn't help but wonder what will you all think of me?? i wondered if you would judge me, wondering what sort of personal hygiene i teach my children, if i never clean my house, etc, etc. but, it is a part of my life now, so here goes. Skye came home last thursday and complained her head was itching. usually, i probably would have brushed it aside, but her school has been having lice outbreaks, so i immediately looked. and sure enough, there they were, those horrible creepy crawly things. i went into hyper-mode. don't you dare move - keep your head still! take off all your clothes! take all the sheets off the beds! the first night, we tried the olive oil treatment, but by friday, i was at my wits end and used the strong stuff called Nix. i spent the entire weekend combing through Skye's hair, killing lice with my fingers, pulling nits out... honestly, i will never look at hair the same way, ever again.

Skye returned to school today and she seems clear so far. the thing with lice is they can come back. it is rather exhausting work being vigilant over these tiny, barely visible eggs. i wouldn't wish it on anyone. and the irony of it all? i hear that oil keeps lice away, so if you don't wash your hair, you are less likely to attract lice. so, maybe it's time to tell the kids to stay dirty.


Susie Meg said...

It's a little funny to read your description Soyoung:-).. but I know you were probably stunned. And I'll bet that Skye was too! Happens every year in a number of schools here... public and private. Head lice are easy to transmit especially with kids that age who share clothes, combs, huddle together, etc. I was a nurse at a girls' camp one summer and years later heard the story that en route to drop their girls off, 2 moms found lice in the girls' hair. They rented a hotel room for a night and spent it using Nix, combing hair, and going to a laundromat to wash their girls' clothes before dropping them off at the camp. You're not alone :-).

SL Kim said...

thanks, Susie. :) yes, i was stunned, but also i was so hoping to get away without having to deal with lice. i can just imagine how those mums were feeling...turn around and go home or nix those lice and take the girls to camp?

WB said...

Your encounter with the buggies admits you into a very LARGE sisterhood of those of us who have done battle...and you haven't lived until you've slept with mayonnaise covering your hair under a shower cap. Glad it was mercifully short-lived, and that you didn't lose your cool or cry (did you?).