Monday, April 26, 2010


i knew the first few months of Cordelia's life would be a time of transitions for all of us, but it's always hard to predict in what ways those changes will play out for each of us. i'd have to say Skye has had the least trouble so far. the hardest has been for Claire. she is suddenly without her constant companion (me) and is no longer the baby of the family. on the whole, she hasn't acted out that much. the evenings, when she is super tired have been the hardest, but even that has been minimal. the change that has been most unexpected is the aspect of clothes. Claire suddenly wants to dress just like Cordelia. which means wearing footed PJs all day. she keeps telling me, "i want pink footies just like Cordelia." we went for a 5 day stretch of wearing the same pink fleece PJs until the pink PJs were no longer pink but brown. a friend told me that someone she knows has a child who suddenly couldn't walk anymore after the new baby was born in that family. when i think about that, i think dirty PJs aren't so bad in comparison.

here is where the pink wasn't so pink anymore... :)

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