Monday, June 30, 2008

Time passing

summer is conference time for Phil and last week, he was away for a few days. i remember last year, how i dreaded Phil going away on his conferences. i remember being exhausted once the girls were in bed and feeling stressed in general throughout the day. but it has been a year and what a difference a year makes! Claire and Skye play pretty well now and on most days, i can actually cook and clean the house without being constantly interrupted. and when they go to sleep, i put them down at the same time. and this summer, Claire is just so much bigger and loves to play outside. she loves to follow Skye and Skye's friends and try to keep up with the big kids.

one of my neighbours who has bigger kids said to me how she felt sorry for me last summer, seeing me cart Skye and Claire to the pool, trying to manage both of them in the water. (well, Claire fell into the pool several times last year!) but this year, i feel so much better about being at the pool. i guess it's only going to get better as the girls get older and more independent. yes, there'll be other issues to deal with, but for now, i'm just happy that life feels somewhat manageable!

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