Monday, May 19, 2008


lately, i've been thinking a lot about my two girls and marvelling at how beautifully different they are. a lot of it has to do with the fact that they are 3 years apart, but of course, they are two very different little people too. so here are some thoughts:

Claire is so cuddly that i enjoy having her sit on my lap - she fits in so snuggly! Skye would love to sit on my lap, but she is all elbows and energy! most of the time, i feel like i'm holding on to a spring that's ready to bounce away.

compared to Skye, Claire is a picky picky eater. i used to get away with feeding Skye sweet potatoes and beets for snack! Skye still eats most of what we put in front of her. Claire sticks to her rice or noodles and fruits. she'll eat broccoli and greens but she doesn't love sweet potatoes and butternut squash the way Skye did!

both girls love to draw. the two of them will sit together at a table and one will draw while the other writes and have a great time. i hope they keep doing this together until they're very old!!

we had Skye's 5 year check up and Claire 18 month check up today. both girls did pretty well at the check up. Skye has always been above average in her weight and height. Claire, on the other hand, is dropping into the low 25th percentile range... i'm going to have to work hard on feeding my little picky eater.

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