Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Nursing troubles

while i hate to think about forcing Claire to wean, nursing Claire has become increasingly difficult over the past few months. ever since she learned to walk, she has done major gymnastics on my lap while still attached to my nipple, so you can imagine how stretched out my boobs have become! but even that isn't so bad compared to the territorial battle nursing seems to have become. i'm trying to encourage her to eat more rather than nurse, but she always prefers nursing. even in the middle of a meal, she'll want to nurse rather than eat. i feel like she's getting too old to opt out of food... so it is this battle - i don't want to deny her completely because i know it's good for her, yet i want her to learn to enjoy eating food and she is old enough now to be doing that.


ErinOrtlund said...

That's a tough one! Will is a very picky eater compared to Kate. I think he survives on mostly bread and yogurt! So if I wasn't nursing him, I'd really worry about his nutrition. How old is Claire? Can you limit her to nursing in the morning and night?

SL Kim said...

Claire is 18 months, which really isn't too old, but i guess i'd like to see her enjoying eating more. it's hard to limit her nursing because she gets very upset if i refuse. the only way she won't nurse is if we are out and about. so we do quite a bit of that now that the weather is warming up (slightly). but Claire is definitely a pickier eater than Skye was. Skye pretty much ate whatever we put in front of her. but i was also much better at offering Skye more opportunities to eat. with Claire, i'm so busy that i forget to offer her snacks! but then again, Claire is more particular about her snacks than Skye was... i often feel like it's a losing battle. i'm sure Claire will grow just fine and i shouldn't worry so much about her eating.