Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Construction & recuperation

the past week has been full. we returned to our dear home in madison late in the evening, so we went right to bed, only to be woken up early in the morning by this!

yes, they're bulldozing and tearing up our street to replace sewer pipes. the construction began back in july, but they were working on a different block. now, they're on ours. i'm glad to say we missed some of it while we were away, but i realize the work has only just begun. it is fun though to watch the diggers, but we do have to leave the house to escape the noise. the workers are very kind, even giving us a huge boulder for our garden that they dug up while digging the street!!

and then Phil went and had all four of his wisdom teeth pulled. his brother Mike came up to take Phil to and from the surgery - i was really grateful for that. when Mike brought Phil back, he and i had to walk Phil from the main street to our house since we can't park in our driveway anymore (due to construction). one of the workers turned off his digger and offered to help us carry Phil in, but by then, we were almost home.

and it has been raining every day.

i'm afraid i've become this witch, storming around our house. i've felt like i have 3 babies to take care of and only today have i felt semi-normal. tempers have been flaring. there's been an unusual amount of crying and whining. today, though, was a good day and we can all laugh about the past few days. my kids drive me insane.

i was reading an article about this couple that have created this new diaper bag. they are parents of one child and the mother says: "when you're a mom, you're overwhelmed. but when you have things in order, when you can open your bag and see everything you need without desperately rooting around, you can think, i'm not a bad mom, because i am organized."

i think we all learn to cope with our insanity in different ways! i'm guessing this mum might be a freak about organization?

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