Friday, April 20, 2007

Single parenting

there's nothing like a few days without your spouse to be glad for him and to wonder how on earth single parents do it. i have to say, the past couple of days without Phil hasn't been as bad as i expected. but of course, there were several moments when i felt like everything was falling apart. like last night, when i was getting the girls ready for bed. Claire was on the changing table exercising her vocal cords and Skye was running around, throwing her clothes everywhere. i was getting the bathtub ready and picking up a little of the day's chaos. i go in to undress Claire and there's poop everywhere! i'm frantically trying to wash an extremely energetic and squirmy and poopy Claire while Skye is sitting calmly in the tub, squeezing out globs of shampoo in her hands and asking, "Mama, is this enough? is this enough?"

but honestly, that really isn't too bad. and we've been getting decent sleep after i surrendered on the sleep issue. sadly, Skye is back in bed with me. along with Claire and probably along with Phil when he returns. kids are much better at handling sleep deprivation than adults. i couldn't take it anymore and now that we're all in the same bed again, everyone is sleeping better.

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