Friday, April 27, 2007

Changes and visiting the past

we've reached an important milestone in Claire's life - she can sit up by herself now without any support! she still keels over after a while, but at least it's a start. she's alot of fun - smiles alot and makes all kinds of fun sweet sounds.

Skye's 4th birthday is fast approaching. can't believe she's getting so big. i sometimes look at her and wonder where the baby has gone. this year hasn't been the easiest between us - preschool, becoming an older sister - they've been big steps for Skye. our relationship has had to change in many ways. Skye has struggled to keep out those changes and yet wants so much to be independent at the same time. i sometimes grieve over the fact that i can't be all that i was to her before Claire, but at the same time, i know that it is all part of letting go and growing up. Skye and i are slowly adjusting to a new phase in our relationship. i think we're still discovering ways to connect without Skye being the baby.

Phil's graduation is coming up also. we're going back to North Carolina for his graduation. it'll be a special time - for Phil to have closure on his schooling, for us to revisit familiar places and see friends we haven't seen in a year. we're looking forward to it.

1 comment:

ErinOrtlund said...

I know exactly what you mean--I grieve sometimes over the way my relationship with Kate has changed. Seems I'm often telling her to "wait" or go play while I tend to Will's needs. I just hope the joys of having a sibling outweigh any drawbacks!