Monday, April 9, 2007

Grabbing food

Claire got extremely frustrated at lunch today - she really wanted to grab food off my plate but couldn't get her hands to move. finally, she managed to get her fingers dipped in some gravy and mashed potatoes, but alas, the food didn't make it in her mouth. she watches us intently when we eat and even grabs our mugs when we drink, completely fascinated by the whole putting-things-in-the-mouth business. but for now, all she gets to put in her mouth is her Wilbur beanie baby, which she does love to do, trying to stuff his whole head in her mouth.

i'm just waiting for the day when Claire will be able to sit up by herself. i have a feeling she will be a much happier baby. even now, she hates to be on her back. her favourite position is standing up, but obviously she can't do it by herself yet. i don't remember Skye being so frustrated, but Claire is the second child and she does see Skye zipping about the house. i'm sure she would like to zip around too.

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