Sunday, May 9, 2010

Skye's week

this past week was all about Skye - and what a full week it was! it began with Skye's violin spring concert. quite an affair - there must have been about 80 children on the stage at one point. it was held at Middleton High School auditorium, a large space and i think Skye was daunted by the sheer size of it at first. she looked small and yet grown up, all at the same time. but she played well and we celebrated afterwards by going out for ice cream.

on tuesday, it was Skye ballet recital. another semester of dancing over! after the summer, Skye will start Ballet I and Claire will start her first ballet lessons. for this recital, the girls dressed up as the lilac fairy from "Sleeping Beauty."

and then thursday was of course Skye's birthday. she turned a big 7!! Phil's parents came in the afternoon and took Skye and Claire to the zoo and then we had sushi for dinner, a favourite of Skye's. she asked me to bake her a pineapple upside down cake. not the most attractive looking cake, but it was delicious!!

then saturday was Skye's party. i couldn't even think about hosting a party at home, so we decided to go to Badger Gymnastics and the girls had a great time.

i am exhausted after all the craziness of the past week. i was extremely thankful for a nap today, mother's day! :)

1 comment:

Akos said...

She's quite a lady now! Before you know it she'll be towering over you! Its a blessing to be a mother!