Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sewing project

ever since i did some research with fashion design students for my novel, i've been wanting to learn to sew. not that i want to design and sew fabulous clothes to sell, but i've been wanting to sew simple things for the girls, the house, and me. i've never really sewed anything except hems (i usually have to adjust the lengths of pants i buy in stores), so i wanted to start with something really simple. i finally completed these simple skirts to give to my girls for Easter:

the instructions for them were passed on to me by my friend, Sarah, and you can find them on this blog. i just added some pockets because my girls LOVE pockets. (Mary, i made the pockets using the book you sent me for Christmas!) it was fun, fast and totally gratifying. i want to try the other skirts the blogger has posted - they look really cute and simple to do! now, if only i can make some cute clothes for ME! :)

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