Wednesday, March 3, 2010

35 Weeks and counting...

today was my home visit with the midwives. Azani, who also delivered Claire in our house over 3 years ago, came today and didn't require much introduction since she's done this before! she scoped out the den again where we will set up the birthing tub and we went over the supplies i need to keep on hand. the home visit always reminds me that the baby is almost here. i don't know about you, but i tend to think the due date is always far away, always trying to squeeze in as much as i can get done before baby leaves the belly. that's probably why my babies always come so early. they never want to stay in full term for me! so with this third baby, i've been thinking perhaps this one will be my unpredictable one and come late. well, last night, i woke up in the middle of the night, suddenly concerned that my baby's head wasn't in a down position. i always feel this way close to the due date, always concerned about breach position. so there i was, in bed, prodding away at the baby, trying to figure out where the head was. all i felt were lumps and squirms. i felt the butt, but it felt too hard to be a butt and i was worried it was actually the head sticking up under my ribs. so i was glad i had a checkup today. i asked Azani what position the baby was in and she's usually really fast with figuring it out, but today, she kept probing. she thought the head was down, but she'd have to do a internal exam to make sure the head was down. when she checked, she said the head was really low (station 2, i think is what she said) and i was 92% effaced. *sigh* so much for me thinking this baby will be late. but who knows? maybe the baby will just hang out really low for a whole month! Azani cautioned me against working too much, but how can i go on bed rest with 2 kids to take care of? my mum sort of had a panic attack and is now thinking of getting here 2 weeks before the due date, worried she wouldn't get here in time.

well, we are preparing for anything. i tell you, every single birth is so unpredictable. and as i said, the baby could still hang out really low in my pelvis for another month. right?


Sarah L said...

good luck with everything! I agree-every birth is so different, no matter how many times you go through it. looking forward to hearing good news soon(but not too soon :)

Crystie said...

I hear you on the fears part. I thought I'd be more relaxed about my second pregnancy, but I have all the same fears I had with Ella (i.e. waking up on my back, eating anything that hasn't been kept at proper safety temperatures, etc.). I'll be praying that everything works out great for you and your new baby!