Sunday, April 5, 2009

Too old for nights out?

this was the question on my mind over the weekend as i went out 2 nights in a row with girlfriends to catch a couple of movies at the Wisconsin Film Festival. i had a GREAT time, don't get me wrong. but it felt a little surreal...i mean, it's been almost 6 yrs since i went out on a Friday night after sunset! for one thing, i'd forgotten most people come out after it gets dark. i kept looking around, thinking, wow, look at all these people out at night! are we really in a recession? our usual thing is to eat dinner at 5:30pm and from then on, it's all about getting ready for bed!

but it was great to have some good adult conversation and to watch 2 really good movies. one was a documentary about these women who train to become burlesque dancers: A Wink and a Smile. really provocative in subject matter, but quite funny too. then i watched a korean movie called Secret Sunshine. this was really intense emotionally, esp watching it as a mother. the child in the movie gets kidnapped and that's like any parents' worst fears. it also provoked a lot of questions about Christianity because the main character in the movie converts to Christianity when she is at the end of her rope. i won't spoil it for those of you who are interested in watching it by divulging too much info.

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