Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Terrible Twos

we have entered into it, full-blown. all the negotiating and arguing that goes on between Claire and me is wearing me down. i keep telling myself to choose my battles wisely, but what is a concerned parent to do with a child that wants to run outside in 30 degree weather without a jacket on? i'm not sure why, but that has been our daily struggle. it was the hair thing, so i chopped off Claire's hair so that we don't have to fight about tying it up out of her face. it was the teeth-brushing thing and many of you may shake your heads at me for holding down my child and forcing her mouth open to brush her teeth. but come on! teeth don't last forever! but that has passed and now it is the jacket thing. yes, i'm sure this too will pass, but in the mean time, i have to deal with a toddler who has a cough and runny nose from running around outside without her jacket on.

BUT, the pendulum swings to the other extreme. Claire makes me laugh and is still my sweet munchkin. we were making up today after an incident with the jacket and she gave me a sidelong look as if to say, "i know you can't resist me", and then broke into a wicked grin.

here is a sweet moment where Claire is singing.

Singing Claire from slkim on Vimeo.


Akos said...

You're just being a good mother, you want the best for your children. This too shall pass. By the way, treasure these years while the're here. They'll never come back!

Jo said...

Soyoung! I'm so there with you right now!! We are in the throes of power struggles over (what feels like) everything, and get SO worn down. But then they flash us that look and melt our hearts with a hug or "I wuv you."