Monday, March 16, 2009

St. Patrick's Day

a friend asked me today when St. Patrick's day was. honestly, i had no idea - do i look Irish? but when Skye came home from school, she was full of talk about St. Patty's day. she picked out her clothes for tomorrow before she went to bed. green top, green pants and green socks, but no green underwear. she has always been all about the colours: valentine colours for valentine's day, easter colours for easter, halloween colours for halloween, christmas colours for christmas. you get the idea. but i never thought i'd see the green come out for st. Patrick's day!

Skye is growing fast and fast testing my wisdom in areas of raising her. she is most definitely my first child, the perfectionist who tends to be bossy. it is hard for me to remember that she is still just a little girl, especially when Claire seems so small in comparison. it is difficult for me to be just as attentive to her needs because i expect so much more from her.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean, I live with my nephew and niece, 6 & 3. He is wise beyond his years, and I'm tempted to treat him like an adult sometimes. My niece needs more attention than he did at three and I tend to neglect him sometimes. Its a challenge I hope to surmount.