Saturday, January 17, 2009

Beginning of 2009

i've had such a horrendous start to the new year, i'm going to rant a bit here before moving on to fairer topics. the last 2 weeks have been so full's been like boot camp. first of all, Phil leaves for 2 wks to bask in the lovely warmth of Vietnam. and most of the people who should be perhaps concerned for my well-being, showed only concern for Phil's safety. ahem! from the moment he takes off, i've been bombarded with illnesses from both children. first, a run to the ER for the first time ever in my life. fortunately, it was a popped elbow for Claire and they fixed it immediately. phew! next, Skye and i were up most of the night due to an ear infection. another run to urgent care and a day off from school for Skye. then, i breathed a sigh of relief - everyone seemed back to normal. then it was frantic packing for our trip to LA. sound crazy with 2 kids on my own? THAT was a breeze compared to everything else. so i'll talk about the trip and put up photos later. we returned to the oh-so-cold Madison. our kind neighbours had shovelled our sidewalk and driveway, i was so thankful, not realizing how much i'd be relying on them the next day. i was slightly worried when i saw that our bathtub drain was frozen. i had dripped the tap in the tub to PREVENT the freezing. the taps were frozen too. i probably should have called a plumber right away, but it was late and i had a girl throwing up all over the house on my hands. i fell asleep exhausted, hoping the worst was over. i woke up the next morning to the screams of Claire downstairs and what sounded like a pressure cooker going off. i ran downstairs to see water shooting out of a hole in the kitchen ceiling, all over the kitchen. i immediately grabbed a bucket and put in under the hole, only to have the bucket fill up in a matter of seconds. i ran down to the basement--water was up to my ankles. i had no idea what to turn to turn off the water supply. i ran, drenched in my PJs, to my neighbour's house. fortunately, he was walking out the door for work. he ran over and after several minutes of figuring out which handle to turn, he shut off everything in the house. thanks to Skype, i called Phil who was by now in Singapore and he managed to talk to our handyman and get a plumber out to the house. my phone was under the blast of the water and was completely useless. my kind neighbour took Skye and Claire in for the morning (her own children were home due to snow day) and i set about mopping up the water. once the plumber came, he located the source of the explosion and returned the heat and water supply to the house. we can't bathe for the next several days until the home insurance people come and inspect the damages, but at least we have heat and running water again.

i was so so exhausted i couldn't even cry. but, on the brighter side, i'm glad it happened after we got home rather than when we were away. and i'm glad Phil is coming home tomorrow. i'm saving the basement for him to clean up! we are very fortunate all the water drained out. i was really quite surprised. i was thinking i needed a sump pump or something, but no. it's just damp and cold downstairs. of course, the cold outside doesn't help.

it has snowed some more, so i need to shovel outside. what, with all the mopping and the shovelling, i'm really getting sick of this cold. instead of doing either, i'm blogging instead. i'll return to better topics another day.


Anonymous said...

SOYOUNG!!! I can't believe all that happened while Phil was away! You are a trooper, and though I'm sure you felt desperate at times (I wish you would have called-Mike and I would have come up!), you made it through all of it. You earned your super mom badge these past two weeks!
Love you guys!

Jo said...

I feel your pain!! The bad stuff ALWAYS happens when the hubs is away. Once when Larry was deployed, we had a hurricane, lost power for a week, and the basement flooded. There was one big difference, though, I didn't have any kids at the time! I don't know how you made it through, but you definitely earned the supermom medal for this one!! (Oh, and Phil totally owes you.) :-)

SL Kim said...

thanks, Megan and Joanne! Megan, my phone died in the water and i had no numbers or anything...the only thing i had was my computer! i guess i'll be writing down phone numbers from now on! Joanne, yep, Phil definitely owes me! :)

kyuboem said...

You're a trooper for getting through all that. How are you doing now?

Sarah L said...

oh my goodness, i'm so sorry you had to go through all that!! why do those things always happen when the partner's away?! we had a water pipe burst behind our living room wall in sacramento which created a 6 inch wet spot on the wall but they had to rip the ENTIRE length of the wall out to check all the pipes so we had 9 feet of exposed wall and those loud fans going while i was pregnant with hannah. not fun! fortunately the builders footed the bill! hope things have calmed down for you! btw, it was nice seeing pics of mary anne(does she go by just mary now?). she has a really lovely family!

ErinOrtlund said...

How stressful! I'm glad it's under control now!