Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bat catching, burping and other important matters

i had the most horrible experience today of catching a bat by hitting it with a broom. fortunately, Phil cleaned up the "mess", but ugh! i get all freaked out still thinking about it! we tried to get the bat to go out through the open windows in the attic, but of course, it just wouldn't go. poor Skye and Claire locked themselves in the bathroom while their crazy parents made a racket in the attic with the broomsticks and all the screaming! but i'm so glad it is out of the house. what with all the holes all over our ceiling that still need fixing, who knows where the bat would end up if we let it stay!!

on a more lighter side, burping. yes, families with girls have to deal with this too. i made the mistake of burping really loud the other day after a meal and the girls thought it was hilarious. well, now, they think they can burp as loud as they want whenever they want! and yes, they think they are SO funny!

my neighbour told me they could hear us through their monitor. i'm afraid my first reaction was panic. oh my gosh, what did they overhear? me screaming my head off and cursing at Phil? me saying something completely inappropriate to my children? "we heard you say, Skye, if you don't get dressed, you can't go with us." phew! nothing terrible, right? this should teach me to turn off our monitor when not in use.

well, tonight, i'm sure all my neighbours heard us screaming at the bat, regardless of monitors. my girls were certainly excited about it and talked about it constantly as they got ready for bed! Claire kept asking, "what you doing up in attic?"

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