Sunday, November 9, 2008

Volunteering in Kindergarten

this past Friday, i went to Skye's classroom to volunteer for the first time since she started kindergarten. it was an amazing experience. to see 12 little individuals, complicated individuals, busy at work was really really neat. i got to meet some of Skye's friends who haven't come over to our house for a playdate yet. i got to participate in a portion of Skye's day.

eversince Skye starte kindergarten, i've been feeling the loss of her presence. she loves kindergarten and talks about school all the time. and while i've been happy about her growth, i've been feeling a growing distance between us. i mean, it's inevitable in many ways. as kids get older and get more independent, i will have to make more of an effort to find ways to connect. well, visiting Skye in her classroom was definitely a connecting point. she was SO happy i came and was so happy to have me there to be a part of what has become her life. i hope to continue volunteering and getting a glimpse of Skye's world.


ErinOrtlund said...

That's great So-young! I'm glad they encourage parent volunteers. Is it an all-day kindergarten? It's bittersweet to see our children grow, isn't it? Especially if we do have to work harder to keep that connection.

Sarah L said...

I know how you feel- I experienced the same thing when Micah started all day kinder. Sometimes, I would find out later about a cool assembly, a special visitor to the school, or something else that I thought was really exciting. But I wouldn't hear about it from Micah and I felt sad that he didn't share those things with me. Made me wonder what else happens in his day that I don't know about. Yes,it's bittersweet to see them grow and become more independent. But it sure is fun to peek into their world, isn't it? and wow, classroom size of 12? that's great!!

SL Kim said...

Erin, yes, it is all day kindergarten in Madison. and yes, Sarah, can you believe it? a class of 12? i'm so thankful - it's so great to see Skye get all the one-on-one time with her teacher.

well, Skye does talk quite abit about school when she gets home, so i feel like i get to hear some of what goes on.

Sarah L said...

heehee, maybe it's a gender thing. as he's getting older, i'm getting more one word answers than ever before :)