Monday, March 3, 2008

Kindergarten registration

today was the big day. i picked Skye up from preschool and we headed over to what will be her new school next year. it was stressful - there were forms and forms to fill out and Skye and Claire were with me, but we managed to get through it. we have orientation and open house to attend next month which will be more fun, i think.


Anonymous said...

that is a big deal! Kaitlyn is staying at her preschool/kindergarten for her kindergarten year next year, so we are not facing that big change just yet... I'll bet Skye is excited!


ErinOrtlund said...

Wow! Is it every day?

SL Kim said...

yes, every day, full days! in Madison, all public school kindergarten is full day, which i'm not too happy about, but oh well. i hear it takes a couple of months for everyone to adjust!