Saturday, January 5, 2008

Teaching your children to eat

i read an interesting article today titled "Bringing Up Bebe: two moms - one American, one French - exchange notes on raising toddlers."

it focused primarily on how the two mums feed their toddlers differently and how the values of their cultures were clearly apparent even in this very basic human function. as i thought about the French who won't let their children eat "adult" food until the children have mastered the art of using cutlery, i thought about Skye who is trying to learn how to use her chopsticks and consequently spills much of her food on the table. and of Claire who once her hunger has been satisfied, will be busy squashing her food between her fingers or tries to make holes with her pointing finger. do they create a mess? YES, but in the end, i'm glad to see them trying. they are both good eaters and quite willing to try new foods. and the art of using chopsticks (especially the thin metal ones we Koreans prefer) certainly require discipline, but i think there's really room for both. both discipline and experimentation, no?

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