Thursday, January 31, 2008

Kindergarten readiness

hard to believe, but that time is upon us already. these days, i feel like that's all i hear/talk about when i meet other mums. 3 March is the big day when i have to go and register Skye at the public school she will attend in the fall. my baby is going to be in school ALL day! that will be a huge change for all of us.

i'm also constantly getting questions from other mums about my plans for Skye for the summer. i always feel like i'm lagging behind. no, i haven't signed Skye up for any camps, no, i haven't decided yet if/where i'm sending her to for summer school. will it really make a difference in the long run? i was thinking i'll join a pool like last summer because the girls love to swim and if Skye really wants to keep going to school, perhaps a couple of afternoons a week would do. and then i thought we'd do some gardening. isn't that good enough? must i sign her up for some special outdoor camp? music camp? etc, etc.

what i do worry about is Skye getting bored in kindergarten. she writes really well now and has even started reading abit. and all of this, not because i've told her to do it, but she is genuinely interested in them herself. she loves to write letters to friends, and ever since she saw my manuscript, has been making her own books to read to us. :) i guess i'll worry about the boredom if it ever comes, but hopefully she'll be in a class with other kids who'll challenge her.


Anonymous said...

our big plan for the summer is also joining the pool! we figure there will be enough years of school and extracurricular structured activities. why not enjoy a little freedom while we can.

love to all,

SL Kim said...

thanks, Ginny! i must be surrounded by super-mums. i definitely want to take things easy. there'll be enough going on with some travels over the summer break, so i've decided i need to leave enough space to just sit and enjoy the warm weather.

ErinOrtlund said...

See my post a few days back on "Benign Neglect." A summer at the pool and hanging around the house sounds great! Especially with all-day kindergarten around the corner. :)