Friday, July 20, 2007


it seems a little vain to blog about my hair, but something happened today that was rather unusual and funny. Phil and i are always joking about these strangers that come up to me in the streets, at airports, and saying things to me. more often than not, it's regarding my hair. "cool hair!" "love your hair!" etc. you'd think all these compliments about my hair would make me vain, but the days of hip and cool people complimenting me are long gone. yes, when i was a flight attendant, working with hip, cool people, it was very flattering. now, i'm afraid it's usually people who are old enough to be my parents who are commenting on my hair. not that i have anything against that age group, but you see what i mean. i feel a little awkward though when people want to know where i get it cut. so i sort of grimace and say, "i cut it myself." i usually feel like i've exposed my knickers or something. i come from a family of untrained hairstylists. when i was growing up, my dad often cut my hair and i must say, there were days when i wished i had a hat to hide under. but as i got older, i was constantly getting disappointed by the hair cuts i was getting at salons, so i did the only thing i could. got some clippers and scissors and two mirrors and cut away.

today, i was walking with Skye and Claire to a park when this car pulled over and the lady inside asked, "where do you get your hair cut?" i was all prepared to have her ask me, where is so-and-so street, not a question about my hair! i thought my answer would send her away, but instead she asked, "would you cut my hair? i would pay you!" are you crazy, lady? when i refused to cut her hair, she asked if i would mind if she took pictures of me to take to a salon. i was completely flabbergasted, but really couldn't refuse at this point. we were so close to our house i told her where we lived and she drove off saying she'd stop by with her camera. we continued on to the park and i completely forgot about her and didn't really think she'd return. shortly after we got home, there was a knock on the door and it was the crazy lady again, with her camera! she seemed like a real nice person and i really hope for her sake she gets her hair cut the way she wants it! i have no idea if the photos will do her any good. i told her to stop by again AFTER she gets her hair cut.

hair is such a fascinating part of us. i'm going through my own hair issue. i had hair issues after Skye was born and tried to grow it out. it was a disaster, so i cut it all off again. now, i'm feeling the urge for change again. after going through all the physical changes during pregnancy and breastfeeding, i end up craving some physical, tangible change. for me, i feel like i lose so much of me when i have a baby, that i have to do something to remind myself that i'm still me. i still want to feel cool, young, and carefree, even though i'm really not anymore.


ErinOrtlund said...

So do you have a good photo showing your hair? That's amazing that you cut it yourself! That is really funny that strangers stop you to ask you where you get it cut! You must do a good job!

Megan Kim said...

I LOVE YOUR HAIR!!!!! I don't know how young and hip I am, but it's true, so hee hee! I think we should have a sister-in-law right of passage and dye our hair some outrageous color like blue or purple or red...what do you think? It would be fun and we would be the coolest not so young people I know!

SL Kim said...

Megan, yep, we should most definitely dye our hair. i in fact have an appointment this saturday - would you like to join me? perhaps physically might be impossible, but maybe we could do it at the same time? :)

Erin, i'll post a shot after i dye my hair, how's that?