Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Eating habits

Claire is now making sounds like she's trying to talk. "wah-wah-wah-wah-wah." "maaaah! maaaah!" i'm sure soon certain sounds will refer to specific things, but at the moment, we're thrilled to hear her do her thing! she has also taken to biting me on the shoulder when she wants to nurse.

today, we were eating lunch at the pool and Claire was busy playing with the lunch bag while i tried to finish up. all of a sudden this little red thing drops out of her mouth and rolls away. i pick it up and it's a piece of candy! how did it get in there and how come i didn't catch it? with Skye, i felt like i was so on top of things, feeding her good and healthy food i'd made at home. not so easy to do with Claire. i still make food for Claire at home, but at the same time, i'm so distracted, i don't always catch her putting things in her mouth she's swiped off the table. in this case, from digging around in Skye's stash of gummy candy. could have been something worse i suppose. and Claire seems to want variety in her meal. if i give her just a bowl of mushy broccoli, she gets upset after a few bites. no, she wants some cucumber or a piece of bread or some fistfuls of rice to go with the broccoli.

and Skye's eating habits are rather interesting as well. she likes to take a bite, run off and play, come back for a bite and then run off again. i've tried and tried to get her to stay in her chair until she's done, but it's a battle that goes nowhere. it's almost impossible for her to stay still for a minute. she actually does better in restaurants because she's so busy staring at other people eating that she'll stay in her seat and eat. a good excuse to eat out often!

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