Friday, May 25, 2007

Busy week

it's now almost a week since i wrote last - how did it fly by so quickly? it was a week of adjustments. Skye has been home since school is over for the summer and that's been a huge change for the three of us girls at home. the whole week, Skye has been wanting my attention and needing me to stimulate her the way school stimulates her. not easy while trying to put Claire down for a nap! Claire still only stays awake for 2 hours. so, now i'm looking into summer school for Skye! and lucky for us, we found one. Skye is disappointed she won't start until mid june, but pools are opening up this weekend, so we'll be over at the pool a lot in the next few weeks, weather permitting. aside from a minor meltdown on my part, we managed to survive the week.

we visited the zoo this week. Claire spent the time sleeping peacefully on my back while Skye and her friends were glued to the glass in front of the alligators (why aren't the alligators in the water? why aren't they moving? what do alligators eat? do they eat people? maybe that one is big enough to eat people?). we went to a beach on one of the lakes and found lots of geese poop and dead fish...not sure we'll make a return visit to that beach. we are discovering the different parks in various neighbourhoods - i'm sure we'll come up with a top ten list by the time summer is over.

Claire's teeth are turning into sharp razors. she hasn't drawn any blood yet, thankfully, but she does chomp quite abit while nursing. and she just smiles when i cry out in pain. Skye was crying one day and Claire smiled and Skye asked, why does Claire think it's funny that i'm crying? but she's still a cute little bundle.

the saddest part of the week was that "24" ended. it's the one tv show Phil and i have managed to keep watching. we remain loyal fans, even though at times the fantasy borders on the ludicrous. the sad part is we have to wait at least 6 months before the next season begins...

1 comment:

kyuboem said...

Hi there, Kims! Nice to catch up a bit on what's going on with you guys, and congrats to Phil on his graduation. Life with one baby is hectic enough; two...!!!

Our latest TV addiction is Battlestar Galactica, not the cheesy one from the eighties, the new Sci-Fi Channel series that we've been borrowing from Joseph and watching in DVDs. This show is absolutely amazing. 24 has probably made shows like this possible, but I think it blows 24 away...