Thursday, May 17, 2007

Back Home

one of the best things about going away is returning home. there's nothing like that feeling you get when you walk into your house. and the kids are happy too. even little Claire knows when she is home. Skye was so excited to be back she couldn't say goodnight to her friends from the neighbourhood without some resistance. it was a great trip to NC, but it's also great to be back home.

Phil's graduation went well. here we are with the doctor! Claire slept through some of it and i was able to keep Skye interested by pointing out the person on stage that was signing. here they are post graduation, happy to be done with all the pomp and circumstance!

then it was mother's day. we went to our favourite eatery in durham - foster's. here are the girls!

we saw so many of our old friends and visited our favourite places in Durham (Locopops - where you can get the best popsicles, Forest Hills park, Duke Garden), but the best was being able to hang out together as a family. we don't get to do that too often, so it was great to be able to go out to breakfast together and linger over our scones and tea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish we were there at NC with you guys! it's so nice to read your blog and see your pictures. Thanks for inviting me to your web, and let's keep in touch!