Monday, March 19, 2012

Escape to Chicago

at the beginning of March, i was in Chicago for a few days - the first time i'd gone away by myself in, like, 3 years! at first, i felt out of sorts because my body felt so LIGHT. when you're so used to lugging several other bodies around with you, you forget what it feels like to just carry your own body around. :) the main purpose of my visit was to attend the AWP conference. i picked up some really great books from the bookfair (i'll post more about the books - they deserve a separate post) and reconnected with friends from The School of the Art Institute of Chicago (where i got my MFA in writing).

today, i wanted to talk a little about the art i saw in Chicago. i LOVED the new modern wing at The Art Institute, but i was really taken by the art i saw at the MCA. there were many, but i unfortunately didn't have time to write down the names of all the artists.

this is a photo of a photo by Laura Letinsky.

and here is a video from the MCA website about Laura Letinsky and her process:


Laura Letinsky's work fascinates me because she is taking pictures of existing pictures, playing with our ideas of what a photo should be. also, i've been working with lots of existing images, usually digging through our recycle bin - hopefully i can show you some of my projects here soon.

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