Friday, July 16, 2010

Five Senses Friday

it's been a while since i've done a five senses friday... for those of you who are new to the blog, i started doing these after i started reading Abby's blog, abby try again. she does them every week and they are fun to read and to write!

smelling:  our cordelia lilies - yes, they are finally blooming, after weeks of worrying about them getting gobbled up by the bunnies and wondering when they would bloom. i'll post some pictures of them soon - they are gorgeous!

hearing:  been listening to KT Tunstall and wondering when she's going to have another album out?

seeing:  a new project i've been working on...i'll share more about them soon, but know that i've started painting again and it has been lots of fun.

tasting:  sweet, sweet mangoes

feeling:  content...i know it's a feeling that's fleeting, so i'm going to try to enjoy it as much as i can right now because tomorrow, i may feel entirely different! :)

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